Saturday, July 20, 2013

Tiny Dancer

Dance class and of course a trip to target with her aunt afterwards!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

it was a sad day.

After I got a new hair cut, Charlee wanted to be like Mommy and gave herself a make over. I loved her baby curls, so it broke my heart.


Monday, March 12, 2012

Last Weekend.

I spent the whole weekend with my husband for a couple's retreat our church does once a year (Landyn came to he's only 4 months old ,do you blame me?) We were there all weekend and Charlee joined us that Sunday.
Little Miss Charlee Jane

My little man in his carseat.

Jerod and I

Our Whole Family

His Whole Family.

Monday, January 30, 2012

My Camera.

Back in September Jerod got a camera for me. Yes it was on sale! He was away working in Nevada on his birthday, poor guy, but I didn’t get him a birthday present. So we went to Target before I went to work and I walked straight to the baby section, I was pregnant at the time, then I walk to the cameras it’s a everyday thing lol. But a camera was mark down to 300 dollars and I had to get it even though we were there shopping for his birthday. I guess they had a new model out which is over 550 dollars. I had this camera for some time now and I still use the AUTO setting. Every time I sit down to figure it out how to use it, I end up wanting to put my hair out.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Teddy Bear Dance.

About 3 weeks ago all the 2-3 year olds were invited to dance for the senior citizen’s Christmas lunch. 
Already to go on stage.


And she's sleeping.

The Wednesday night service before Christmas our church had a little Christmas program ran by the youth ministry. The toddlers were suppose to sing and dance We Wish You a Merry Christmas but there was only two toddlers. Her dance teacher asked why Charlee doesn’t do the teddy bear dance. So the two girls went on stage and did the teddy bear dance in front of the whole church they both were so cute. At the end of service everyone came up to Charlee and said how good she did. Of course she only cared about the cookies that were served at the end.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Brand New Year!

I’m very excited for this New Year. This is going to be our first year with Landyn. Excited for all the milestones; starting to roll, sit up, pulling himself up, baby talk, crawling, walking, running, his first BIRTHDAY, and we can’t wait to see what his personality is going to be like, we think he might be a shy little guy. Babies learn so much in their first year. Charlee is going to be potty training, dance, turning 3, learning how to swim (she did good last year), and hopefully starting pre-school. Husband and I will be married for 3 years and we turn 22.
As for my new year’s resolutions, never really made one I always just said I’ll start doing this or stop doing that or maybe learn how to do this maybe that’s why I never did them, so I’m going to write them down for motivations. We’ll see if it works.
Resolution 2012:
#1. Be happy and be positive! (I read this on someone else’s resolution but, hey it’s a good one)
#2. Potty train Charlee. no more procrastination it has to be done.
#3. Eat healthier. I eat so much junk food and drink too much soda.
#4. Have a good semester and good grades. No giving up at the end of the semester and getting by with decent grades.
#5. Start reading again I love reading but I haven’t read a book from start to finish for almost two years. Sad, I know.
#6. Learn ASL. I don’t know when I’ll use it in life, I just think it’s awesome.
#7. Start running. Like everyone else I have a fitness resolution too.
#8. Be motivated. Getting out of bed and getting dress rather than being lazy all day and stay in.
#9. Keep the house organized and clean. (This one is going to be hard I am not organize at all.)
#10. Start saving our money and start building good credit. I don’t even know where start.
#11. Learn how to use my new camera. I bought a new camera a couple of months ago and I still use auto. Lame right? I want to start taking more pictures of the kids and Jerod and I, we have been together for 4 years and I don’t have every much pictures of us.

I hope I can stick to at least 8 of these.
Well wish me luck!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Landyn James Coming into this World.

Meet my handsome little man

For a couple of weeks, I had been having Braxton Hicks contractions; they weren't too painful mostly annoying. Well because I had Charlee 3 weeks early my doctor said he is most likely to come early as well. So I thought I would be lucking again and have Landyn early. When I was 37 weeks I was so excited I would tell Husband he's coming any day now.

So the waiting game started, the first 8 months was easy I wasn’t uncomfortable until it started getting hard to go up and down the stairs, carrying a two year old around, my shirts didn’t cover my big belly, and I can barely roll out of bed in the middle of the night to go potty. At that point it was hard to ignore the fact Landyn was too comfortable in there and how uncomfortable it was for me. I was ready and so excited to meet little baby boy Ray.  So I waited some more.

When I went in to see my doctor on Monday, Oct. 17, 2011 I was 37 weeks and 5 days pregnant and I was finally getting closer I was dialing at 1 cm. Later that night after dinner I asked Husband to go walking with me, I was secretly hoping he would so no so I wouldn’t have to. Haha J But he didn’t and we walked for a mile and an a half. My contractions were getting stronger but not regular.

The next day I was feeling the same uncomfortable and really lazy. We had dinner at my in-law’s house that night. After dinner I was talking to my mother-in-law and I was telling her I don’t think this baby is ever going to come out and I thought I was going to be pregnant forever. Within an hour later my contractions were really starting to hurt. Jerod and I were debating on going home or the hospital. Then 10 o’clock rolled around and it was getting too late for Charlee to be out, even though she’s up till 1 a.m. My contractions were still too far apart to go to the hospital, so I went to sleep. Well tried to anyway.

At 6:45 in the morning my contractions woke me up. After a couple of contractions I thought I knew it was it so I started timing them at 6-8 minutes apart.  I woke up Jerod and told him I’m starting to have really bad contractions. He just asked me do you want to go to the hospital? And of course I said I don’t know and he went back to sleep without saying another word. Oh how I love that man. Around 8 a.m. I went downstairs to talk to my daddy (he always knows what to do) he just said this isn’t your first kid you know how it feels when it’s time. He was right of course. It was time to go to the hospital. My younger sister Maria wanted to be in the delivering room when I had the baby so I told I was going to the hospital. She was so excited and she didn’t know what to do she asked me if I wanted her to pack me a lunch. JOh Sister. I ran up the stairs…ok I waddled up the stairs and woke up Jerod telling him I wanted to go to the hospital. He told me why I didn’t wake him up sooner when I started having the contractions. Geeze, what a good idea why didn’t I think of that. Lol So we were off and it seem like every on the road didn’t know how to drive.

I finally made it to the hospital and checked in. I was dialing at 4 cm and the nurse said she’ll call my doctor and ask if he wanted me to stay. I thought well where else would I have a baby. She walked back in and she I was going to stay and have the baby….ummm duh. They moved me into a delivering room and my doctor walked in and said hey loser you ready to have this baby…he really said that lol then he broke my water at 10:20 a.m. My contractions were getting stronger and more painful then I told them I was ready for my epidural but my nurse said the doctor who gives them was in the middle of a c-section. I was asking for one after every contraction the nurse then checked me again and I was dialing at 6 cm. she then told me she didn’t think I going to be able to get an epidural. I just started crying and it look like Jerod wanted to cry too.  She walked away and my contractions were about 2 minutes apart. I was crying and screaming during my contractions yes screaming. I called the nurse back in well I called and screamed and she came running in then she checked me again and I went from a 6 cm to a 10 cm in 5 minutes. She called my doctor and like 6 other nurses came in the room. My labor happen to fast I didn’t get a chance to get the medicine I needed for the baby so they were extra nurses to make sure the baby was ok. At that point I was screaming and crying at every contraction it felt like my pelvis was breaking and on fire all at the same time and I got to feel it all. I kept saying OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. Then my doctor walked in and said “OMG so dramatic” I know what a jerk right?? Here I was thinking I was going to die and he was joking around lol but I thought it was funny too.  He asked my husband if he was ready and Jerod said when ever your ready…I just thought ummmm hello I’m having the baby thank you. After waiting for him to get ready to deliver he then told me to push. And after two pushes at 11:59 there he was my little boy 7lb 15oz. and as healthy as can be. As soon as I heard him crying my heart just melted I knew he was all mine. The 9 months of waiting and the whole 1 and a half hours of labor was all worth.

My labor was nothing I accepted it was going to be. I planned on having my sister in the room I wanted her to take pictures. I didn’t want to feel all my contractions or most of the labor and get an epidural. But it all happened so fast I didn’t get any of that. I don’t think my sister was too upset she said she could hear me from the waiting room ;)

After he was clean, measure, and weighted they handed him to me and my husband and I were left alone with our little handsome guy.